Oct 18, 2011

Robertson-Wesley United Church (Memorial Hall)

address: 10209 123 streetEdmonton, AB
website: www.rwuc.org
venue type: Church hall
capacity: 236
minors: Yes
AccessibilityThis is an extremely accessible venue. Enter from street level glass door on 123 st. Buzzer to right of door to get in. Turn left to use manual lift to get to level 3 (main level). Venue path and hall very accessible if chairs/tables set up with range of bodies in mind. Church has hearing assistive technology for church services, may be useable for hall.

Accessible, gendered washrooms with wide doors, turning radius and grab bars. Women's washroom on the same floor as hall. Men's washroom up one floor (by elevator) to level 4. 

There are bike racks (in front of Mountain Equipment Coop), many transit options (stop #1746, 1828, 1047, 1098, 1242 -routes listed on full venue overview), and free parking in church parking lot and on street (including accessible stalls).

Other Perks:
Venue is strongly committed to "LGBT affirming" and accessibility of all different kinds. 

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